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Privacy Policy

Use of the site

The following information defines the terms and conditions of use of the website www.cartesiafinance.com.

This website is published and provided by the Cartesia Company, Simplified Joint Stock Company (SAS) with capital of 267,720 Euros,
Head Office: 26-28 rue Danielle Casanova – 75002 Paris – France, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 511 037 889.
By consulting this site you accept the conditions of use described below.

The Cartesia Company does not guarantee that the operation of its services will be uninterrupted, error-free or secure. The Cartesia Company does not implicitly or explicitly guarantee the accuracy of the data provided on this site. This data is provided for information purposes only and may include technical and/or typographical errors. The Cartesia Company reserves the right to modify its site and its conditions of use at any time and without prior notification.

Under no circumstances can the Cartesia Company be considered liable for damages, whatever their nature, attributable to the use, the inability to use or the results of the use of this site or linked sites. to this site, or attributable to documents or information contained on the site.

The documents on this site are protected by intellectual property rights (Copyright or others) and their unauthorized use risks infringing legal rights. All elements appearing on this site (text, graphic or multimedia elements) are the property of the Cartesia Company as well as their respective authors.

The Cartesia Company authorizes you to consult and download the information on/from this website for strictly personal, non-commercial purposes provided that you retain on the downloaded or printed copies of the original documents of the site, all of the mentions of copyright and all other legal notices appearing on these originals. You are expressly prohibited from deleting, removing or modifying any mentions appearing on the resources of this site, or from modifying the resources themselves on this site.

You agree not to use devices or software of any kind to disrupt or attempt to disrupt the proper functioning of the site.

The Cartesia Company is not responsible for the content of pages of other sites linked by its own website, or for the use of the content of these pages. Providing a link to software, a patch or an update does not mean that it is in good working order. The Cartesia Company cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by the use of this software, patches and updates.

These conditions of use are governed and interpreted in accordance with French law.


Personal data protection policy

Since May 25, 2018, the processing of personal data has been subject to EU Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 known as “GDPR” relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and to free movement. of this data.

Cartesia’s Personal Data Protection Policy aims to provide its customers with detailed information on how their personal data is collected and stored, as well as the reasons for its use and sharing. It also aims to inform them of their rights regarding the collection and processing of their personal data and the procedures for exercising their rights.


Download Cartesia’s personal data protection policy for its customers and business relations